Lori Ciufo Federmep | OneOff Events

Lori Ciufo in FEDERMEP

Lori Ciufo is the face, the brain, and the heart and soul of OneOff Events. In her thirty years’ experience as a Brand Manager for prominent IT companies (Rome, Florence, Milan), Lori Ciufo played an active role in the creation and organisation of corporate contests and important events.

Lori Ciufo Federmep | OneOff Events

In 2018, she decided to set up OneOff Events and to offer her clients the expertise and experience gained during her career. A life dedicated to passionate interests, beauty and culture: music and a love of Gospel, haute cuisine learnt from Gualtiero Marchesi at his illustrious Academy, fine wines, and a grade 3 AIS sommelier diploma, photography, participating in courses and exhibitions, design, with a diploma from the European Institute of Design, etiquette, and a seminar at the Accademia del Cerimoniale di Roma, a flair for fashion, for hand made detail, and experience in luxury weddings gained as a certified Wedding and Destination Planner.

Since February 2021, Lori Ciufo has been the Head of the Lombardy Federmep Delegation.

She works with a group of motivated, dynamic, professional experts to achieve a common goal: to protect and promote the work of the Italian Event and Wedding Industry, a supply chain composed of small, medium and large scale businesses: Excellence Made In Italy.


Milan | Rome, ITALY

phone: +39 3396134117

email: welcome@oneoff.events
